Meanwhile the pony-tailed prat on the piano (I assume that's Alex) should have stayed in the hotel foyer. Dita is removing her clothes but the camera is not really dwelling on her. Nope, she's to the fore now. .... 22:50 Jervana from Belgrade is talking about something "unforgettable" then she's slung 8 points to the UK. Back in the Top 5. 22:51 7 points from Cyprus. UK now on its highest score since 1998. 12 points for Greece ("A bit of a pity party from Greece," says ...
Han og medsiktede Lars Jervan (41) skal if?lge siktelsen ha handlet Eltek-aksjer i all hemmelighet gjennom banker i Luxembourg. Innsidehandel har en strafferamme p? seks ?rs fengsel. Sitter varetektsfengslet for fire uker med brev- og ...
Hotel La Rose Window Box 10.12.08. Francisco Blvd Trees at Dusk 10.11.08. Cousin Swim Day 10.10.08. Fruits of Fall 10.09.08. Hot Air Balloon Morning 10.08.08. Drive Thru Craving 10.07.08. Swim Lessons 10.06.08 ...